
I’m sure I should introduce myself with something catchy and witty but I’m just not that clever 😉

My inspiration for creating this blog is simply to try to collect all my thoughts, views, interests etc into one platform without driving my family and friends crazy(er), by flooding my social media any further than it already is.  I’m hoping this will allow me to post what ‘I WANT’ without complaint from others. Quite simply if you don’t like what I have to say, don’t follow this blog.  Having said that, I am always up for healthy debates on differing opinions – it’s what helps us to expand our minds and grow as individuals, so long as it is done in a respectable manner.

I get quite passionate about things I like and I WILL share them on this blog. I hope you like them to but of course we are all different and not everything will be for everyone.

I have some ideas of what I would like to include, such as: music artists, fashion items, my bucket list, holiday destinations, other product reviews, health, general day to day questions, quotations etc but I have set no limits and who knows where this could end up…stay tuned.

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